Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Sometimes grandma forgets how great my reach is- like when I spied the cookies she made for our trip on the counter . Peanut butter blossoms are really tasty- especially the kiss on top .

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Visiting with my buddy

We stopped at the hospital to see great- grandpa Steve on the way to granny's house. Feel better!

Sunday fun

I was good in church- especially when I helped Jim the organist sing. Breakfast was at Rubin's ( English muffin and a big piece of ham) then I tried out my new sunglasses . Pretty cool , right?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Silliest aunt ever!

Aunt Amy is so funny ! She made me laugh when she put my hat on.

A yummy lunch

We went to Harvest Pizza for lunch. Flat Aya came too. Grandpa ordered the Parmesan brussel sprouts - they sizzled and I wanted to try one . Good thing I could wash it down with milk and 3 pieces of pizza !

Trip to Columbus

Today we went to see Aunt Amy and her cat Petunia. I was so happy to see them and watch the trains from their window.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Columbus trip

Grandma says we'll see Aunt Amy tomorrow - so we decided to make cookies ( Uncle Christian is a Cookie Monster !!). Grandma made bunnies, chicks and bluebirds to take. I did balls , snakes ,a turtle and a snail . Hope she likes  them!

Time to feed the birds

Grandma looked and looked for her shoes - guess it's not just the squirrel who's a trickster!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

I like spending time with one of my favorite guys

One of the best things about my Ohio vacation is spending time with my Grandpa! Today we had breakfast AND lunch together . I'm sure am a lucky guy!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Finally - I can be outside !

It stopped raining during my nap and the wind dried up a lot of the  puddles . So we put on our old shoes and went for a walk - saw lots of trucks and even a police car. Then we checked out the bird feeder and took a ride on the porch swing

Rainy day fun- then the crash

Who says you can't have fun inside on a rainy day? We spent the morning doing race car and army truck races in the kitchen. Then I had a little trouble staying awake at lunch- grandma said this would happen!

Early morning reading

I had a rough time sleeping this morning- so many trains with such loud whistles ! Grandma and I came downstairs early and read my new book from aunt Judy - all about- you guessed it- trains! My Lovie Dovie and Baby Boo listened really carefully.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Story time about bugs

Today we went back to the library in Columbia Station. Grandma says it was a 10 minute drive but we counted 54 trucks! I LOVE Ohio!!
I sat in the John Deere bookcase while we waited for Miss Christine to start. We read 3 books about bugs and played 2 bug games . When we sang the goodbye songs I sang and danced too.
I would show you the cheerio caterpillar I made ... but it was close to lunch ..and I was hungry on the way home... Oops!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Future civil engineer ?

I have a really good imagination - who knew a placemat could become a tunnel and a bridge for my cars?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome to Hair by Alex

I thought grandpa might enjoy playing barber shop tonight. Too bad he already had a haircut - I would have given him one after the pretend shampoo .

Fun library time

Grandma and I visited the local library this afternoon. We saw 23 trucks on the way there!  I really liked the train book case and the fun train table. Best of all was a program by the Smokin' Fez Monkeys who played lots of lively music, even songs about a black cat and a locomotive . When we went to thank the musicians for a fun time the violin lady let me try my hand at playing her violin . I was pretty excited!

Building a track for racing cars

Hanging with granny is fun. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekend at Granny's

Another fun day- riding trains and buses, looking at fountains in the mall. I even tried on new shoes .