Sunday, February 23, 2014

Out jogging with Dad

Dad was jogging VERY slowly (first time since his knee surgery), but I didn't mind.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Best to travel on a full stomach

Sunday breakfast at Rubin's deli - I had half of a waffle, some of Aya's ham and a bit of grandmas omelet . I'll finish the waffle and ham on the plane. Yum!

Fun in Ohio (1st Birthday)

Monday, February 10, 2014


Mom and dad took me to a party this past weekend. I looked quite handsome and I flirted with the ladies.

Friday, February 7, 2014

One year checkup

I weigh 22 pounds 7 ounces. I am 32 inches long. I am in the 99th percentile for height. I require lots of snuggles this evening because those shots hurt.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow day

Mommy and I are home enjoying a snow day. Uncle Dan, aunt Melissa, & Sylvie thanks for the music band I love it

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy First Birthday to Me!

I spent my first birthday doing all kinds of fun activities, including:

eating some delicious pound cake (thanks Grandma Lynne!),

putting puzzles together with Mom (well, ok, not really doing the puzzles, but at least man-handling them and giving them a good chewing),

eating and clapping (delightfully increasing the mess factor, of course),

pushing my high chair around like I mean business,

contemplating whether philosophical discussion really is the highest form of human pleasure, while playing in a ball pit,

turning the TV on and off, though I couldn't get the darned speaker remote to work (why couldn't they just make a single remote for it all?), and, my favorite activity of all...

sleeping during my dinner celebration.